Chiropractic Care: Three Groups Who Benefit

Chiropractic Care: Three Groups Who Benefit

More than 1 million chiropractic adjustments are given every day, all over the world. But contrary to popular belief, back and joint problems are far from the only issues that chiropractic adjustments can treat. In fact, there are several signs not typically associated with this field of medicine that should be noted and taken seriously if experienced for an extended period of time. Here are just a few surprising signs that often indicate that you should see a professional chiropractor as soon as possible.

Sinus Congestion

Back problem? Spinal disorder? You are not alone if you said yes. In fact, at one point in their lives, it is estimated that 80% of the population will have a back problem. Many seek treatment with quality chiropractic care. And chiropractic care is available for treating a wide range of individuals. Here are three groups that benefit from chiropractic care that you might not be aware of.

1. Pregnant Women

Many women experience back pain and discomfort during their pregnancies. Actually, back pain is a problem reported by half of all pregnant women. This back pain also causes them to have hip and lower back pain, too. While the comfort of the mother-to-be is extremely important, it is not the only reason to alleviate back pain by visiting a chiropractor. The benefits of seeing a chiropractor are important for pregnant women because it is a way to monitor the development of the baby. The mother's systems (such as nervous, circulation, etc.) need to be checked, recorded, and maintained to be sure of the proper development of the child.

2. Office Workers

Office workers, who are often among the most sedentary groups of individuals, also often suffer from back and neck pain. However, since they are not usually involved in strenuous physical activities, their headaches, backaches, and neck spasms are not immediately attributed to strains and sprains. A visit to a chiropractor can be extremely beneficial for this group for several reasons. First of all, a chiropractor can assess the posture habits of the individual in an office setting. They will check for improper alignment of the spine. Frequently, ergonomic office equipment such as chairs and desks are recommended by chiropractic specialists. Also, a chiropractor can recommend exercises that the individual can do on their own time in order to maintain good flexibility and reduce spasms and instances of pain. Additional benefits of seeing a chiropractor are that they will realign your spine at a pace that suits you and work with you to regain flexibility, mobility, and all-around comfort.

3. Babies and Children

It is true that children frequently fall down while they are playing, walking, running, and even learn to walk. This can damage the spine and hinder growth. In addition, it has been proven that the very process of birth exerts extreme pressure on the spine of the baby. Few people know kids are one of the groups that benefits from chiropractic care. A visit to a chiropractor can be very beneficial for a child in diagnosing existing problems and preventing more problems from occurring, especially if you notice the tell-tale signs and symptoms. For instance, one childhood condition is known as a vertebral subluxation complex. This condition can occur in utero, during birth or from a slip or fall. As a result of this irregularity in the spine, the child’s internal organs are not supported adequately. This prevents the child's internal systems from functioning properly. Symptoms can manifest as colic, constipation, inner ear infections, torticollis, asthma, plagiocephaly, and other chronic conditions. A chiropractor can diagnose this condition and take active measures to help. (Adults can also have this condition, too.) 

So, if it turns out that you experience back problems or need spinal disorder treatment, you may already know the benefits of chiropractic care. But a chiropractor may also be just right for someone you know, too. Knowing who benefits from chiropractic care helps you think outside the box and ask the right questions. Most people think of sinus congestion as just another symptom of a general cold. But this isn't always the case. If you've been dealing with extended periods of congestion or on and off cold-like symptoms, it could actually be a spinal issue. Fortunately, adjustments in the upper cervical area can release pressure on the brain stem and help to clear your sinus passages. Ask your chiropractor if you're interested.

Dr. Jennifer Dour

Dr. Dour is the founder of Garden State Spinal Care. A skilled adjuster with a friendly bedside manner, see why she can help you in your journey towards a life free of back pain.

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