How Does Chiropractic Care Benefit Your Sleeping Habits?

How Does Chiropractic Care Benefit Your Sleeping Habits?

No one can deny the positive health effects associated with seeing a chiropractic specialist. 95% of past-year chiropractic users say it's effective—and 97% of past-year chiropractic users are likely to see a chiropractor if they have neck/back pain. But pain is far from the only reason to consider making an appointment for yourself. Chiropractic specialists are trained to deal with all types of health issues, and one common-yet-underestimated health issue they can treat is getting proper shut-eye. Patients can use a skilled chiropractor for insomnia and other sleeping issues.

Lack of sleep can severely hurt overall productivity and satisfaction. Unfortunately, it's quite common:

"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 35% of U.S. adults do not get enough sleep, which can lead to diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and mental health problems, as well as a shorter lifespan...many Americans report regular chiropractic care reduces their stress levels and improves their sleep and posture," writes Sherry McAllister on Forbes.

A clear link exists between good chiropractic care and sleep. Here's what patients with sleeping issues should know about seeing a chiropractic specialist.

Common Sleeping Issues

As previously mentioned, several common sleep issues are treatable through chiropractic care and treatment. Insomnia, for example, occurs as a result of physical, mental, or emotional stress and turmoil. This condition also has a number of other causes that are hard to determine directly, like the side effects of certain medications. If you're unable to fall asleep, are unable stay asleep, or deal with a sleep disorder, a chiropractor for sleep apnea or insomnia may be able to help.

How Chiropractic Care Helps Sleep

Chiropractic care is different for each and every patient, but it's generally directed at releasing the pressure on the spine. This drastically helps to increase overall comfort, and improves both the quantity and quality of sleep for the patient.

Ultimately, more than 1 million chiropractic adjustments are given worldwide by specialists every day. Understanding the expanding range of health issues quality chiropractic care can help treat is the key to recognizing when you could benefit from chiropractic adjustments as well.

Dr. Jennifer Dour

Dr. Dour is the founder of Garden State Spinal Care. A skilled adjuster with a friendly bedside manner, see why she can help you in your journey towards a life free of back pain.

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