These Surprising Signs Could Mean It's Time to See a Chiropractor

These Surprising Signs Could Mean It's Time to See a Chiropractor

More than 1 million chiropractic adjustments are given every day, all over the world. But contrary to popular belief, back and joint problems are far from the only issues that chiropractic adjustments can treat. In fact, there are several signs not typically associated with this field of medicine that should be noted and taken seriously if experienced for an extended period of time. Here are just a few surprising signs that often indicate that you should see a professional chiropractor as soon as possible.

Sinus Congestion

Most people think of sinus congestion as just another symptom of a general cold. But this isn't always the case. If you've been dealing with extended periods of congestion or on and off cold-like symptoms, it could actually be a spinal issue. Fortunately, adjustments in the upper cervical area can release pressure on the brain stem and help to clear your sinus passages. Ask your chiropractor if you're interested.

Fertility Troubles

Fertility issues come in many forms, and not all of them can be efficiently treated by seeing a professional chiropractor. However, most experts consider chiropractic care to be beneficial in enhancing body functioning in terms of reproductive health. Various treatments and adjustments are readily available to help align the spine and clear the nervous system of severe interference, which has been shown to boost fertility.

Numbness/Tingling in Nerves

Finally, stay alert for signs of potential nerve damage, which include tingling and numbness, usually in the arms and/or legs. This is typically the result of excess pressure put on the spinal cord, and it's often exacerbated when sitting too long, standing too long, etc. This could also be a sign of a more serious underlying illness, so it's absolutely critical to find the right chiropractor and explain your symptoms in detail so that they can provide a suitable treatment method.

Ultimately, 95% of past-year chiropractic users say it's effective, and 97% of past-year chiropractic users are likely to see a chiropractor if they have neck/back pain. Signs that chiropractic care is necessary comes in many different forms, none of which should ever be ignored. For more information about chiropractic specialists, contact Garden State Spinal Care.

Dr. Jennifer Dour

Dr. Dour is the founder of Garden State Spinal Care. A skilled adjuster with a friendly bedside manner, see why she can help you in your journey towards a life free of back pain.

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