The Advantages of Correcting Poor Posture

The Advantages of Correcting Poor Posture

Poor posture: it’s a tale as old as time in the realm of spinal issues. People who work at desks or who are on their feet all day are most likely to suffer from the effects of poor posture; however, everyone is at risk of this silent monster. Poor posture is easy to fall into, and it can wreak havoc on your body. Nipping this in the bud by correcting your poor posture is crucial.

Proper Posture

To achieve good posture, your cervical spine (the neck and upper back) should curve forward toward your throat. Otherwise, your posture will place more weight on your neck, causing cervical and thoracic issues. Speaking of which, the thoracic spine (the middle part of your back) should curve outward. Lastly, the lumbar spine (lower back) should curve back in toward your stomach. Proper posture will affect these curvatures, helping your spine stay in proper alignment.

Advantages of Good Posture

Reduced Inflammation and Increased Mobility

When your spine is in proper alignment, overall inflammation in the body will be reduced. And you’ll be surprised by the increased mobility you’ll achieve over time once your pursue correct posture and alignment.

Better Efficiency

Your body cannot function efficiently if its alignment is off due to poor posture. By correcting your posture, you’re pursuing a more efficient body. Consult a local chiropractor in Clifton, NJ, to check that these points on your body are in proper alignment:

  • When you lie down, your feet should be at the same length.

  • Your chin should naturally fall parallel to the ground.

  • Your head should tilt in one direction while you’re standing straight.

Decreased Pain

When your joints and muscles are working together as they should, the overall pain in the body will decrease. This is because there’s less wear on joints, which prevents muscle fatigue and pinched nerves. Each of these is a risk of uncorrected poor posture.

Consider scheduling an appointment with a chiropractor soon so that you can benefit from the advantages of correcting poor posture. Of course, always partner your visits to the chiropractor with stretching, exercise, and good nutrition for best results. Speak with a professional near you to lead a healthier life.


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