What To Expect During a Chiropractic Adjustment

What To Expect During a Chiropractic Adjustment

A chiropractor can help with a wide range of symptoms, such as back and neck pain, headaches, and tense muscles. However, a first visit with your chiropractor differs from a regular doctor’s appointment. During your first visit, you’ll discuss your past medical history with your chiropractor, and they’ll give you a physical exam and discuss future treatments. This is where you’ll get an idea of what to expect during a chiropractic adjustment.

Each routine appointment might differ between facilities, but generally, three major things happen during a regular chiropractic adjustment. Continue reading below to learn what you can expect and how to prepare for your next appointment.

A Discussion With Your Chiropractor

Each time you visit your chiropractor—depending on the amount of time between each visit—they’ll ask you a series of questions to determine your symptoms. This is when you’ll want to be prepared with answers. Try taking notes throughout the week on your pain levels, improvements, adjustment areas, and more to provide the health-care staff with as much information as they need. Depending on your answers, your chiropractor will begin adjustments or continue the appointment per usual.

Reduced Pain

During an adjustment, your chiropractor will complete a sequence of specific stretches and movements in your injured area to relieve the pain and heal the area. You may hear some popping noises, but don’t be alarmed. Those sounds are completely normal. This is caused by air pockets “popping” when the spinal face joint undergoes quick, gentle stretching.

Take-Home Exercises

After the adjustment, your chiropractor will provide you with a set of exercises to complete at home to continue your treatment. This will speed up healing and strengthen the area consistently rather than just once a week. Be sure to speak with your chiropractor in Nutley, NJ, for tips on maintaining proper posture during your home exercises.

Understanding what to expect during a chiropractic adjustment is the key to reducing pre-appointment anxiety and attending your appointments with confidence.


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