Pinched Nerve Causes and How Chiropractic Care Treats Them

Pinched Nerve Causes and How Chiropractic Care Treats Them

Pinched nerves can be a pain… often quite literally. A chiropractor can be the secret to treating pinched nerves and addressing their causes. If you experience sharp, stabbing pains or numbness, you may want to consider seeing a chiropractor, as they can be signs of a pinched nerve.

Causes of Pinched Nerves


Obesity is a common cause of pinched nerves due to how gravity and weight work together to place pressure on the body. This pressure can cause pain in the joints and create higher risks for the body overall. If you’re overweight or have a high BMI (body mass index) and experiencing the symptoms of a pinched nerve, consider seeing a chiropractor to help with the pain.


Age, weight, and strain on the body itself can cause arthritis. In turn, arthritis can lead to pinched nerves; sharp or dull pain, numbness, and tingling sensations can result. If you suspect arthritis, schedule a chiropractor’s appointment to receive therapy for the pain. An appointment won’t fix the arthritis itself, but it can reduce the pain.

Treatment Options for Pinched Nerves

Chiropractic Therapies

You can expect your local chiropractor in Nutley, NJ, to suggest either electrical therapy or ultrasound therapy. These won’t fix any internal issues, but they can certainly help with the pain. They use electrical currents and sound waves, respectively, to reduce inflammation in the body, which in turn helps pinched nerve pain.


You can also ask your doctor if you can purchase a TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) unit to use at home. This allows you to use electrical therapy from the comfort of your own home whenever you want. If you experience a pinched nerve, you’ll have the ability to use this unit right away along with some ice.

Pinched nerves can be painful and affect your day-to-day life. Pursue a chiropractic treatment to help your pinched nerve, address its causes, and relieve overall pain. If you battle obesity or arthritis, you have a higher chance of pinched nerves; consider calling a chiropractor today.


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