How To Know If You Need a Chiropractor Or a Massage

How To Know If You Need a Chiropractor Or a Massage

When you’re in pain, you’re probably not in the mood to do in-depth research to find what specialist you need. Wondering if you need a massage or a chiropractor visit? Ask people for advice, and you’ll get a lot of different answers. We’ll try to make it simple for you. Here’s how to know if you need a chiropractor or a massage.

What a Chiropractor Does

To train for the “DC” after a chiropractor’s name, candidates need an undergraduate degree and then another four years at a chiropractic college for their doctorate. They learn that there are non-invasive techniques to relieve pain that don’t involve medication or surgery.

Chiropractors work hands-on to properly align the body’s musculoskeletal structure. In most cases, when the spine is in the proper position, a patient’s body should be able to heal itself without intervention. A chiropractic adjustment can improve your quality of life in many ways, and is used to treat:

  • Tension

  • Headaches

  • Tendinitis

  • Joint pain

  • Ear infections

  • Insomnia

What a Massage Therapist Does

After many hours of school and training, a massage therapist must be licensed by the state. They can go another step forward and take an exam for certification, too. A massage therapist is also hands-on, but focuses on manipulating soft tissues like muscles, tendons, and ligaments. A massage can improve:

  • Blood flow

  • Immunity

  • Anxiety

  • Skin conditions

  • Tension

  • Pain

  • Insomnia

Their Differences

While there are similarities in how they treat patients, chiropractors and massage therapists target different areas of the body. Chiropractors can directly treat some specific medical conditions by manipulating the spine and joints, while massage therapists reduce symptoms of the condition. For instance, chiropractors are qualified to make medical diagnoses, request blood work, and order diagnostic testing like X-rays. Massage therapists are not.

Combined Treatment

A patient may work with a chiropractor in conjunction with a massage therapist for well-rounded treatment and less pain. A balance between them is often the formula for relief from chronic pain. Massage therapy is helpful for loosening muscles before or after an adjustment, and can help speed healing.

How do you know if you need a chiropractor or a massage? A chiropractor can diagnose you, so you should start there. If you’re looking for a chiropractor in Nutley, New Jersey or within the area, Garden State Spinal Care’s Dr. Jennifer Dour can recommend a plan of treatment for you. She can let you know if you would benefit from massage as well. Contact the facility for a consultation.


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