How Do I Know if I Have Subluxation?

How Do I Know if I Have Subluxation?

We put our bodies through a lot daily, so we must take care of any pain as soon as we notice something is wrong. Subluxation may feel subtle, and one may not realize what they’re experiencing until they feel extreme pain. So, you may be asking yourself, “How do I know if I have subluxation?” We’re here to answer your questions and help navigate you to better health!

What Is Subluxation?

Technically speaking, there is a medical and chiropractic view on subluxation. A medical subluxation can be described as a partial dislocation, whereas a chiropractic subluxation is viewed as tissues undergoing constant changes.

Subluxation still causes pain, but it develops gradually as opposed to immediately like a broken bone. This may occur when the tendons in the joint are stretched and torn, whereas a dislocation occurs when the bones are dislocated from the joint completely.

Common Types of Subluxation

There are a few conditions that your body may go through when experiencing subluxation. These may include:


Hyperemia may occur when something blocks the blood in your body from flowing properly. This may cause an excess of blood in one area, making it more difficult for circulation to occur.


Some muscles may develop congestion, producing toxins in that specific area and irritating the surrounding nerves.


If you experience swelling of a certain area of the body, you may have edema subluxation, as the blood vessels become damaged and leak into the tissues.

How Does Subluxation Occur?

Subluxation may be a result of many activities or even emotional stress. Here are a few ways one can quickly develop subluxation in their joints.


Sports like tennis and baseball are the most common activities that cause joint overuse in children and adults. Using the same muscles and joints repeatedly can cause painful subluxation and, if not cared for, can develop into a more painful condition.


Hyperextension occurs when one extends their ligaments far beyond their comfort level. This condition can easily and quickly cause either subluxation or dislocation.


As we all know, stress is bad for our minds and bodies. If someone is feeling anxiety or anger, their bones and muscles stiffen up, causing damage to their joints and ligaments.

Symptoms To Look For

To ensure you receive the proper medical attention promptly, here are some symptoms to watch out for.

  • Pain and swelling in the affected area

  • Numbness

  • Limited range of motion

If you’re experiencing these symptoms, it’s best to visit your primary doctor to rule out any underlying health conditions. This will help you narrow down exactly why you’re experiencing your symptoms and enable you to get treatment right away.

Treatment Options

There are many treatment routes you can take if you’re experiencing the pain of subluxation. You may be able to treat your symptoms at home with RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation). However, if your pain prevents you from doing daily activities, be sure to visit your chiropractor.

Chiropractors can heal your subluxation with specific techniques and stretches that you may not be able to do at home without a medical professional. Visit your nearest knowledgeable and experienced chiropractor in Wayne, NJ, to help relieve your pain.

Knowing the difference between subluxation and dislocation and receiving proper medical attention is imperative to prevent a recurrence. By asking, “How do I know if I have subluxation?” you’re already on the right track to a quick recovery.


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