How a Chiropractor Can Help Relieve Your Vertigo

How a Chiropractor Can Help Relieve Your Vertigo

Vertigo is an incredibly disorienting condition. Without effective treatment, it can recur for years and have a severe impact on your quality of life. You might find yourself feeling dizzy; you might even sway involuntarily. While there are a variety of causes, researchers have proven that professional adjustments can improve symptoms. Learn how a chiropractor can help relieve your vertigo.

Relieving Your Inner Ear

In many cases, vertigo is caused by fluid build-up in the middle ear or a middle ear infection. It’s hard to believe that exterior therapy can affect something inside your head, but chiropractors know how to manipulate pressure points and soft tissue to keep your body working properly. Correct spine alignment is essential for preventing unnecessary complications.

Applying Craniosacral Therapy

This technique has been used since the 1800s in the United States. The skull isn’t just one bone. It’s made up of 13 bones held together with connective tissue and blood vessels. The bones fit together like a puzzle, and while there’s not much movement between them, even a small shift can have repercussions. With cranial therapy, chiropractors apply light pressure on areas of the head and face.

How can this practice help ease vertigo symptoms? These gentle head adjustments can help realign your skull with your upper cervical vertebrae. Your spine connects to any extra fluid via nerves. Cranial therapy gives the fluid around your inner ear freedom to drain effectively. With regular adjustments, your spine will stay in place so your sense of balance can return. It’s a painless procedure. During treatment, patients report feelings of deep relaxation.

Using Eply’s Maneuver

One form of vertigo is called benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), which is caused by small pieces of calcium floating inside the canals in your inner ear. It sends the wrong signals to your brain about how your body is positioned. When it develops into vertigo, you might feel like everything is spinning around you.

Chiropractors can use Eply’s Maneuver to move these “canaliths” back out of the canals. It involves:

  • Turning your head toward the affected side.

  • Laying you down with your head just off the table.

  • Slowly turning your head to the opposite side.

  • Turning your body to be in line with your head.

Seeking Treatment

If you’re suffering from vertigo for an extended time, you’ll find it difficult to function normally. Even the smallest tasks can be a challenge. So, making an appointment to learn how a chiropractor can help relieve your vertigo can be a game-changer. If you need a chiropractor in Wayne, New Jersey, visit Dr. Jennifer Dour for a consultation. She can help you feel like yourself again.


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