Chiropractic Treatment of Neuromuscular Disorders

Chiropractic Treatment of Neuromuscular Disorders

Managing the pain that comes with your neuromuscular disorder may seem like an impossible task to handle on your own. Luckily, you don’t have to manage your pain alone. By investing in the services of a licensed chiropractor, you will be able to soothe some of the muscle pain that your neuromuscular disorder brings. Whichever muscular or nerve-related disorder you manage every day, learn about the chiropractic treatment of neuromuscular disorders that is available to you.

What Is a Neuromuscular Disorder?

There are many kinds of neuromuscular disorders that affect different areas of the body, including spinal muscular atrophy or conditions caused by an autoimmune disorder, such as multiple sclerosis. These kinds of disorders often result in chronic pain or loss of function in limbs and muscles. Many of these neuromuscular disorders are genetic and lack cures. However, treatment from a trained and licensed chiropractor can manage the pain that stems from these conditions.

The only exception is with certain spinal nerve disorders in which chiropractic treatment could pose a risk to your health, such as cancer in the spine. Remember to always ask your doctor before seeing a chiropractor for your chronic neuromuscular disorder pain.

Symptoms of a Neuromuscular Disorder

Doctors track neuromuscular disorders with blood tests and by following genetic trends. If you don’t know whether you have a neuromuscular disorder, but you experience the following symptoms, you may benefit from both medical and chiropractic treatment in tandem:

  • Muscle weakness

  • Fatigue

  • Problems breathing and swallowing

  • Muscle numbness

  • Cramps, twitches, and spasms

  • Joint pain

  • Loss of muscular control

  • Rigidity

After diagnosing these symptoms, a doctor may perform blood and muscle tissue tests on you to determine the cause of your disorder.

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care

A chiropractor that provides you with the right care and treatment can relieve some of the pain that comes with neuromuscular disorders. With a regular treatment plan and the right chiropractor, you may be able to restore some mobility and control to the affected limbs. Chiropractic treatment of neuromuscular disorders is different than getting physical therapy, as physical therapy assists with relearning movement, whereas chiropractic care focuses on realignment and pain relief.

Garden State Spinal Care features professional chiropractors who provide each patient with the professional care they need, such as the famed Active Release Technique (ART) for soft tissue tension. If you’re looking for an ART certified chiropractor in Clifton, New Jersey, contact us to set up an appointment with our experienced practitioners.


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