Can Chiropractic Care Help With Scoliosis?

Can Chiropractic Care Help With Scoliosis?

Many people suffer from abnormal curvature of the spine, a condition called scoliosis. Symptoms can range from mild to severe, but even mild symptoms can disrupt life. Learn how chiropractic care can help with scoliosis. Chiropractic care can help with scoliosis by providing a natural treatment that relieves painful symptoms. Learn the ways professional care can benefit you!

What Is Scoliosis?

According to the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, scoliosis is an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine. Typically, doctors diagnose scoliosis in childhood or early adolescence. Your spine’s normal cure is at the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar regions in the so-called “sagittal” plane. The sagittal plane is a vertical plane that passes through your body longitudinally (front to back).

The natural curves help position the head over the pelvis and distribute mechanical stress during movement. Scoliosis is most known as spinal curvature in the “coronal” (frontal) plane. The coronal plane passes through your body perpendicularly (side to side).

Understanding Scoliosis Pain

In a normal spine, the vertebrae are uniformly on top of each other, with a cartilage disc between each one. The cartilage provides cushioning and flexibility to your vertebrae, which supports mobility. With scoliosis, the spine curves unnaturally, causing each vertebra to “tilt” to one side. Even mild curvatures can be painful to patients.

This unnatural position leads to joint strains, chronic back pain, muscle spasms, pinched nerves, and other issues that can spread pain to other areas of the body. Along with internal pain, some patients have a visible bulge on their back at the area of pain. Scoliosis affects daily activities like walking and standing up straight.

Addressing the Big Question

Patients can explore ways to correct abnormal curvature of the spine. Typically, people visit chiropractors for spinal issues and joint problems.

That said, the big question is “Can a chiropractor straighten your spine?” Currently, the only way to straighten scoliosis is with surgery. However, chiropractic care helps with scoliosis by offering non-invasive treatment that addresses symptoms. It improves spine curvature, reduces pain, and increases flexibility.

How Chiropractic Care Helps

As mentioned, chiropractic care helps scoliosis patients by providing non-invasive treatment. Through a combination of spinal adjustments and flexion distraction, chiropractors can stretch out areas in your disc. This can improve flexibility and range of motion while alleviating pain.

Since scoliosis can cause spinal misalignment, a chiropractor can use strategies to support posture and alignment. In addition, professionals can relieve pressure in the neck, hip, back, and shoulders to ease body tension. Ultimately, chiropractic care can help patients manage symptoms and pain associated with scoliosis.

Whether you suffer from scoliosis or other spinal misalignments, visit the best spinal chiropractor in Montclair, NJ. Garden State Spinal Care is Northern New Jersey’s #1 trusted provider of spinal chiropractic care with certified leaders in several adjustment techniques. Let our personalized treatments help you!


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