5 Ways Your Chiropractor Can Help With Your Herniated Disc

5 Ways Your Chiropractor Can Help With Your Herniated Disc

The bones in your spine are cushioned by discs. Discs can be described as soft, round pillows that surround the nucleus. You can find each disc in between the vertebra bones to provide additional shock absorbers.

When the disc is damaged—many medical professionals may refer it to bulged or slipped—your spine no longer has extra protection in between the bones, which can cause mild to severe pain.

Herniated discs are primarily caused by degeneration as the ligaments in the discs start to weaken with age. With that being said, an older adult may experience a herniated disc through a minor twisting movement or mild strain. A herniated disc may occur anywhere in the spine, including the neck or lower back, which may affect the main area of pain.

If you feel you may be experiencing a herniated disc, it’s important to get it treated right away. Here are five ways your chiropractor can help with your herniated disc.


To begin, your chiropractor will perform a detailed consultation with you to determine the cause of the pain, location, and treatment plans.

Your chiropractor may utilize an x-ray, CAT scan, or MRI to look closely at your vertebrae. It’s important for them to get a diagnostic view of the bones to ensure your treatment plan is thorough and can treat you safely.

Flexion-Distraction Technique

The flexion-distraction technique is a common way for chiropractors to address your symptoms. The chiropractor will use a specialized table that gently stretches the spine so they can flex the affected area with a pumping rhythm.

The pumping rhythm is usually pain-free and enables the intervertebral disc to proceed back to its central position in the disc, which may remove inflammation in the nerve root.

Manipulation Under Anesthesia (MUA)

The MUA technique is typically done at a hospital; you will be under sedation for approximately six minutes. This is required so your body is in a relaxed state as your chiropractor stretches and manipulates the affected area. Keep in mind that you will need about 1-3 sessions that are 2-4 weeks apart.

Pelvic-Blocking Technique

This technique includes performing gentle exercises while the chiropractor places a cushioned wedge under the area. The chiropractor may utilize the pelvic-blocking technique to pull the disc away from the nerve it may be putting pressure on.

Customized Treatment Plans

Although your chiropractor may perform the above techniques to treat your herniated disc, it’s important to talk with them about your treatment plan. They may utilize techniques that are specific to your body and situation in order to best treat you. This may include surgery if your condition is severe enough and past the point of in-house treatments. Find your nearest chiropractor in Clifton, NJ, to help assess and treat you so you can get back to your daily routines pain-free!

The above five ways your chiropractor can help with your herniated disc can help get your body back in alignment. Be sure to talk to your chiropractor to determine which treatment is right for you.


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